
ARTIST: Lukestar
TITLE: Lake Toba
DATE: 2008/3/14 FORMAT: CD
PRICE: 2,300yen |
Lake Toba "
TTR-307CD \2,300
MEW のヨーナス、SIGUR ROS のヨンシーそしてRADIOHEAD のトム・ヨーク・・声を発した瞬間に万物が引き込まれるハイトーンヴォイス・ワールドの系譜にまた新たなバンドの存在が書き加えられた。ノルウェーのルークスターは偉大なフロンティアの誕生以降増え
続けるありきたりな幻想的ウォールオブサウンドではなく彼らのルーツであるSUPERCHUNK やBLONDE RED HEAD らのもつUS カレッジギターロックへの回帰、そして能・歌舞伎など日本の伝統音楽(JAPANESE CLASSIC MUSIC) にインスパイアされた独自の世界
を展開。奇跡のヴォーカリスト、Truls なくして実現しなかった北欧ニューロック誕生。
Track Lisiting: |
1. White Shade |
2: Shapes Of Light |
3. The Shade You Hide |
4. Cold Numbers |
5. Lake Toba |
6. The Clouds Tell |
7. In a Hologram |
8. Intermission To Io |
9. House Of Orion |
10. Clockworks Of Tomorrow |
11. Peregrin |
12. Where the Circus Winters* |
13. Your Words Are Fine* |
*bonus Track for JP only

Mew, Eskju Divine, Superchunk, Muse, Blonde Redhead, Sigur Ros, Keane, Radiohead, Coldplay, Death Cab For Cutie, Copeland, Posies, Ikaros, The Velvet Teen, Kyte, Kasimir, Hope Of The States, Jimmy Eat World, Starmarket , Beezewax |
Lars Garvey Laing-Peterson (it's a trap!) |
Saturated with towering vocals that often exceed the normal male range, hook after marvelous hook, and drumming so fluid, present, and masterful that it is as fascinating to listen to as the vocal and guitar work, Lukestar may have crafted the best Scandinavian rock/pop album since Last Days of April's "Ascend to the stars". Continuing in that vein of music that was so crudely labeled 'emo', a sound mostly abandoned a few years back, Lukestar effortlessly combine aspects of LDoA with the more dynamic fluency of Mew's debut album. "Lake Toba" is a reminder of why bands like Seven Feet Four have been able to maintain their presence and importance, and an indication of the future of this genre (and, more importantly, that this sound actually has a future). While the musicianship is damned proficient, it's the songwriting that brings you back over and over, keeping the album remarkable and engaging after repeated listens, and allowing for the album to be enjoyed as a whole without skipping around the tracklist. Anthemic and vulnerable, hopeful yet cautious, "Lake Toba" is everything that rock record with serious pop sensibility should be. And with that voice, those drums, and a level of musical craftsmanship and consistency that has been lacking on far too many similar records, Lukestar's newest effort is in good position to be one of the best album of 2008. |