2007: Young & Hairy
2007: The Dance
2007: A Little Mess |
Larrikin Love, Oasis, Hello Saferide, Handsomeboy Technique , Club 8, Vincent
& The Villains, Dreamboy, Suburban Kids, JENS LEKMANJack Penate, Those
Dancing Days, Shout Out Louds, Andreas Mattson |
Weezer, Bob Hund, EnvelopesBroder Daniel, Hakan Hellstrom, The Cardigans, The Tallest Man On Earth, Jens Lekman, Suburban Kids With Biblical Names, Florence Valentine, Billy Bragg, Robyn, The Knife, Hakan Hellstrom, Cornelius |
Elias Akesson - Song, Guitar and harmonica *
Daniel Vegerfors - Drums, Percussion, some singin and everything *
Jon Lennblad - Bass and some singin *
Par Johansson - Piano and organs and some singin *
Maria formgren - Flute and song
OFFICIAL BAND WEBSITE www.eliasandthewizzkids.se/ |
満を持して日本デビューを迎えるスウェーデンのスウィンギンポップバンド、Elias & The Wizzkids。2007年の夏にスウェーデンの良質レーベHybrisからリリースされたデビュー作"The Dance”EPはスウェーデンそして日本でも個人輸入店を中心にスマッシュヒット!続けざまに”Young and Hairy”EPもヒットを飛ばすと今度はその2曲のPVで人気にさらに火がついた。
元々エリアスはエド・サリバンショーのビデオを図書館で熱心に研究しているほどトラッドやクラシックミュージック、そしてその映像に興味がありそれらが真新しいような、それでいて懐かしいような軽快ですがすがしいElias &The Wizzkids像になっていったのだろう。ちょび髭のエリアスの見た目、スウィングジャズの要素とカントリーのフィーリング、そこにスウェディッシュポップ・パワーポップのメロディーがのるという何とも愛らしいサウンドは確実に熱狂的なファンを増やしている。
日本のSecond Royal所属のHandsomeboy Technique(スウェーデンで大人気)からもボーカルで音源の参加依頼を受けるなど声とキャラのキッチェな魅力も含め、なんともほっとけない存在だ。
It's a trap! Matt Giordano |
Veering back a bit from the electronic-hinges of the past few months, Hybris has delved into that vault that is the Swedish music scene to focus on a band that has its heart set on the music of the 1950s mixed in with the indiepop/alt-country stylings of today. At only four songs, one a cover at that, it leaves the listener looking ahead to a proper album. Thr first three tracks: "The dance" (easily the best on this release), a good uptempo cover of every run-of-the-mill singer/songwriter staple "Wonderwall" and "Regret" all set a nice tempo before "Autumn leaves" mellows it all out. Perhaps switching tracks three and four would have prevented the EP from fading into silence; however, this is yet another promising band on a label that I know will put their passion behind it. |
It's a trap! Matt Giordano |
Part alt-country, part Buddy Holly and part indiepop is the make-up of Elias & The Wizzkids on their debut full-length "A little mess" and it's a solid effort from start to finish. Split into two halves, the beginning of the record is like a sunny afternoon, bright and fast, whilst the ending is more subdued and akin to a fireside dusk, mellow and full of purpose. Tempos found on "I wish", "Acknowledge me" and the stellar "The dance" get the heads bopping in the first half. "Fourth of July" and "Friday night" offer a dwelling for the listener with their warmth and personal feel. However, in track six we find "The mermaid", perhaps the album's best song, with its reminiscent romanticism through fairytale characters making complete sense. All in all, "A little mess" maybe so emotionally, but organized and logical, just as we all are. |
Pitchfolk |
Elias & the Wizzkids' single "The Dance" starts out with Elias Akesson singing about how much coffee and tea he's had to drink, which is pretty obvious from the song's jittery tempo, rushing strums, and caffeine-high piano. Only Maria Formgren's flute sounds like it's calm and collected, as if trying to keep this rowdy lot in line. "The Dance" might be called twee if it slowed down long enough; even the song's Decemberistic video features a footrace... that breaks into a soccer tournament... that breaks into a midfield dance party. Elias sings about trying to outrun some unnamed restlessness: he goes to a coffeehouse, he goes to a movie, he wanders around, he finally goes home and starts dancing his heart out. Even his neighbor's threats to call the police can't bring him down. Here's hoping he doesn't switch to decaf anytime soon. And here's to not thinking about why they're called the Wizzkids. |